I am in my... I DON'T CARE era … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I've worked a lot over the years .... but i could only conclude that it was all useless.

And the real paradox is that i got from the Universe almost all i've wanted.

Yes ... i got all ... but nothing really made me happy.

Into one point ... after more than 20 years of intense work ... i've felt it was all a journey to a pathless path.

But ... I couldn't accept it.

I knew it ... i deeply felt it ... but i hated to accept that all was useless.

Somehow ... little by little I've allowed myself to take life a little bit slower.

And ... I've slowed down all.

Suddenly ... i felt it was all related to my desires ... of a certain type of success ... which never made me happy.

I've chased ... for the wrong things.

And ... even if i was happy ... the happiness itself lasted so, so little that i could not even feel it.

So ... annoyed ... I've started to force myself to accept that all is illusory.

I've smiled.


I couldn't believe it ... that after so, so many years of intense work ... that was the only real conclusion.

It was .... too ridiculous.

A real ... nonsense.

But ... again ... meditating ... by the passing of time I've accepted all those philosophical perceptions about the pathless path I've followed for such a long time.

And ... suddenly my smile ... stoped being a fake smile.

I couldn't do anything else ... better.

No ...

So ... a new important chapter of my life started.

Something which could be defined as ... my I DON'T CARE era.

And ... i like it.

It was better than ... working.

Much .... much ... better.

Paradoxically .... my whole life changed.

... a lot.

Not doing anything ... not caring of anything ... not chasing for anything ... all changed.

Yes .... into better.

And i finally sew how idiot i could be working so hard ... following illusory pathless paths.



Download the book ”Beyond the boundaries ... of the human beingwritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.



Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-boundaries-human-being-philosophical-ebook/dp/B0DJ82F1Q8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=37RDJ42JPJUM3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.39YCos17eYz4aZkbkRtaSac4Zgv37T-Wvw9ybN0lxik.Uw8jjGpjkYGUkkkclr98d-a6bOiKdJleXwp8y0Br9i4&dib_tag=se&keywords=adrian+gabriel+dumitru+beyond+the+boundaries&qid=1728310811&s=books&sprefix=adrian+gabriel+dumitru+beyond+thr+boundaries%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C172&sr=1-1


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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